
Nightingale believes that all qualified students should be able to attend, regardless of financial standing.

皇冠体育app提供基于需求的经济援助,以满足家庭负担能力和学费之间的差额. 我们尽一切努力评估和了解每个家庭情况的特殊性,并给予深思熟虑, 基于家庭提供的信息和Clarity财务援助申请的个人考虑.

有关财政援助的决定是由财政援助委员会在证明需要和资金的可用性的基础上作出的. We are not able to award financial aid to every family who applies. 财政援助委员会对所有财务信息保密,并不分种族给予奖励, color, 宗教, 国家或民族出身, 或残疾. 接受经济援助的家庭有义务对其援助计划的细节保密.

Tuition assistance is granted for one year. Renewal is not automatic or guaranteed. Families are required to submit applications annually, 由于每年可用的资金不同,每个家庭的财务状况也可能发生变化. 首次入学时未申请资助的家庭在两年内没有资格申请.

For the 2024–2025 academic year, Nightingale awarded over $6.5 million in financial aid towards tuition to 18% of the student body, with an average award of approximately $51,每名学生000. 有资格获得学费援助的家庭也会在与学费无关的项目上获得相应的经济援助. This is covered in more detail in Tuition and Related Expenses, below.


如何申请 for Financial Aid

皇冠体育app财政援助计划的目的是使皇冠体育app教育可能为所有家庭基于证明的经济需求和资金的可用性. Nightingale使用Clarity应用程序根据家庭在应用程序中共享的信息(包括资产)来确定家庭的经济需求水平, 收入, 费用, 和债务.

To get started, please go to the 清晰的应用程序 创建一个账户. The application typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete. Clarity应用程序也是移动友好的,所以你可以在任何地方完成它. You are also able to save your progress and return at any time. 在应用程序的最后, 提交需要缴纳60美元的费用, 你可以与其他接受Clarity申请的学校分享你的申请,而不收取额外费用. Simply use the dropdown menu in the application to select those schools. Please ensure “The Nightingale-Bamford School (New York, NY)” has been selected as one of your sending schools.

完成助学金申请及相关补充文件的截止日期为12月1日, 2024.

If you need support during the process of completing your application, 通过屏幕左下方的“帮助”按钮可以获得应用内支持, as well as email and phone support at support@clarityapp.com or 206-210-3752, 英语和西班牙语都有. The application itself is also fully translated into Spanish.


Many factors enter into the determination of financial aid awards, such as household 收入 and 费用, 资产及负债, and the number of children attending tuition-charging schools and colleges. Because individual family financial circumstances differ, the calculation of need will be unique to each circumstance. 给n the many variables that affect an award decision, 仅仅根据家庭收入来准确预测一个家庭的经济援助奖励是不可能的.

What happens in cases of divorce, separation, or single parents?

监护和非监护父母必须完成单独的清晰度申请每个家庭. The financial situation of both parents is considered, in addition to stepparents and legal guardians. 如果家长中的一方在很长一段时间内没有参与到学生身上, the custodial parent should complete the 第二份家长弃权表格 and upload that document directly to Clarity.

What are the Deadlines for Applying for Financial Aid?

申请经济援助的潜在家庭必须在12月1日之前完成所需的清晰申请, 2024. 财政援助主任将在12月1日之后直接与家庭联系, 2024, should their applications require further documents. 皇冠体育app只会考虑在12月1日之前完成的经济援助申请, 2024年的最后期限.

For more information about Nightingale’s financial aid policies and procedures, 请致电212-933-6518与招生和财政援助高级副主任Liz Cavanaugh联系 ecavanaugh@shadleysoapstone.com.


  • 学费费用

    2024-2025 TUITION: $64,470 (K-XII)

    Nightingale’s tuition includes:

    • 午餐和零食
    • 教科书
    • 一夜之间旅行, including: Class IV to Greenkill; Class VII to Washington, DC; Class VIII to Alabama; Class IX to London; Class X to Frost Valley; Class XII Fall and Spring Retreats
    • iPads for students in Classes III-XII
    • Student software and technology fees
    • Student publications, such as yearbook and newspaper
    • Day trips (museums, theater, opera, etc.)
    • 学生意外保险
    • 体育运动 uniforms and regular season travel
    • 辩论项目费用
    • Parents Association-sponsored events
  • 额外的支出

    A family receiving tuition aid will receive proportionate assistance for the following non-tuition 费用:

    • Hobbyhorse (K–IV afterschool program)
    • Sunny Days (rising K–IV summer program)
    • Summer Debate Institute (rising V–VIII summer program)
    • International trips not included in tuition
    • Fundraising events (reduced ticket price)
    • 面向高年级学生的年鉴广告
    • 书展采购
    • ACT/SAT prep and college application fees
    • Private morning and afternoon bus transportation to/from Brooklyn, 克斯/上曼哈顿, 皇后区, 和曼哈顿下城

费用,支付, & 政策

  • 应用程序的费用


    $80 is due upon submission of an admissions application. This fee is waived for families applying for financial aid.


    Clarity charges a processing fee of $60 for applications. 申请费减免直接通过Clarity授予符合条件的家庭. 请联系 support@clarityapp.com or 206-210-3752, 英语和西班牙语都有, for information regarding Clarity application fee waivers.



    The enrollment contract becomes binding on May 1.

  • 学费支付计划

    For the 2024-2025 school year, Nightingale offers the following payment plans:

    • 1 payment - Full tuition balance (less deposit) due June 2024
    • 2次付款:65%的学费2024年6月到期,剩余部分(减去押金)2024年12月到期
    • 4 payments - four equal payments (after deposit) due June 2024, 2024年8月, 2024年10月, and December 2024 ($56 administrative fee per family)
    • 9次付款——9次等额付款(扣除定金),2024年5月至2025年6月到期(每户56美元行政费)

  • 付款政策


    • 财政援助委员会将不考虑申请财政援助,直到所有帐户是当前的.
    • The school may withhold student grade reports, 成绩单, 文凭, or recommendations if tuition is not paid.
    • The school reserves the right not to permit a student to register, 上课, and/or take exams if the student account is in arrears.
  • 学费退还计划

    与任何保险计划一样,学费退款计划(TRP)是针对意外情况的保护. 虽然签署的入学合同要求家长/监护人支付整个学年的学费, 严重的疾病或家庭搬离城镇可能需要学生长时间缺课或退学. 在这种情况下, TRP允许一个家庭收回他们原本有义务支付的一些费用. 可报销的金额取决于学生缺课或退学的时间和性质. 关于这个项目的信息包括在每年的第一份学费声明中.

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